TOP TikTok trends for June 2022 and the death of Instagram

Trends come and go in a heartbeat, if you don’t hop on the bandwagon the moment these trends occur, you may miss your chance at making a viral TikTok. Here at Favoured we find these TikTok trends before the curve, below are a list of explained trends taking place on the game changing, viral, global […]

Without brand management, no-one will ever love you

It may sound harsh, but it’s true. In a world, saturated with so many industries, which are subsequently saturated with so many companies, a brand identity is what sets you apart and encourages loyalty.

Rebalancing the scale – Determining the future of alcohol sales

The sales of alcohol-free options such as beer and cocktails have exploded in recent times. The younger generations, particularly Gen Z but some Millennials are also following suit, are reducing or abstaining from alcohol altogether.

How can fake news wreck your brand?

You might have seen the phrase online and spurting out of a certain Presidents mouth once or twice over the past few years. Yes, we’re talking about ‘fake news’. The term applied to ‘news’ which is junk or pseudo-news. 

Gen Z want better from your brand

The world is rapidly changing. In between heightened awareness of financial disparity and increased efforts to tackle prejudices, there’s also the matter of climate change causing severe environmental damage. It’s no wonder that Gen Z is stepping up to the plate.

Does my brand have a duty of care to our stakeholder’s mental health?

As May is mental health month, and this week has been mental health week, it seems appropriate to continue the conversation around brands and mental health. Moreover, does your brand have a duty of care to consider the mental health of your customers?

What’s in a name?

You might have noticed something a little different about us. No, we didn’t change our hair, but we did have a little rebrand. We thought this was a great opportunity to offer an insight into the best way to choose your brands name and what kind of research and thought process should go into a rebrand or initial brand development.

Do you know how SEO can improve brand visibility?

Whether you’re familiar with SEO or it’s a bit of an alien subject to you, brand visibility should be one of your core objectives, whether you’re a startup, fresh in your niche or a well-estblished brand.


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