Gen Z: If you don’t know, get to know.

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Gen Z. The generation of consumers born in the mid-1990s is coming of age, and marketers need to pay close attention. Unlike earlier generations, Millennials included, Gen Zers can be difficult to engage using traditional advertising channels, including standard online display ads. To appeal to these key consumers fully, brands first need to understand them better, since they will make up 40% of all customers by 2020.

Food just isn’t what it used to be…

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Consumption is changing and food culture is transforming. With the combination of multiple macro factors and trends which ended up sticking around, traditional approaches to food are being uprooted and tossed out the window – primarily by the younger generations. 

Is the James Bond curse a marketing ploy?

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With so many reports of directors and actors leaving the new film, scripts being completely reworked, injuries and explosions, could Bond 25 really be cursed or is the production company simply seizing their opportunity for some free marketing?

Money for Millennials – how is fintech evolving to meet the needs of this generation

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Take a look on any social media or general interest site and you’ll find posts written by millennials complaining about the lack of education on how to manage finances, how to understand why and what insurance you need and how to apply for mortgages. It’s something that we’re never officially educated about, but it’s a pretty essential staple of life.


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