What does your content say about your brand?

what does your content say about your brand 5ee33c0fdf376

The way that you portray your brand is not only conveyed through your website layout, your logo or the style of the illustrations of images on your site. Your content construction can say a whole lot about you and if the copy on your blog or information pages doesn’t align with your brand ethos or objectives, it can be confusing for potential customers.

You should be spending more time thinking about longtail keywords and less about vanity terms

you should be spending more time thinking about longtail keywords and less about vanity terms 5ee33c2c10758

Vanity keywords are keywords that are often too broad or represent an entire industry and are therefore difficult to rank for. You can push a lot of effort into trying to secure these keywords and phrases but ultimately it can derail your overarching strategy. By all means, if you have the resources, run the efforts alongside a wider strategy… go nuts. If you don’t have endless time and resource, you should consider long-tail keywords.

SEO for e-commerce websites – what you need to know to get started

seo for e commerce websites what you need to know to get started 5ee33dbc6665b

When you operate a business online, traffic numbers should always be front of mind. What e-commerce SEO boils down to, is the potential to gain high-quality traffic, with a higher likelihood of converting, at consistent and growing levels, without having to pay for advertising space. For the majority of business owners, this sounds like a goldmine.


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