Blazing Trails in the App World: A Comprehensive, Creative and Slightly Cheeky Startup Marketing Checklist

Ready to launch your app startup? Explore this comprehensive marketing checklist, filled with insights on branding, content marketing, social media, email marketing, search marketing, design, video marketing, performance marketing, and more. Crafted by Favoured, the UK’s top advertising agency, it’s everything you need to shine in the app world. Join us on this thrilling journey to success! 🚀
Be less boring – how to make your company comms more captivating

So you’ve nailed your tone of voice for your customer communications and your social media channels are thriving. Your website experiences high session durations, low bounce rates, and users really engage with your content. That’s great!
Email marketing in a post-GDPR world

Remember last year when we all simultaneously lost our minds over GDPR? Well, we think it’s about time that we looked back to see how this has affected email marketing over the last (almost) year.
Tagged BrexitCustomer DataData ProtectionDigital MarketingEmailEmail MarketingGDPRMarketing Mix